Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I know I have habits that absolutely need to go.  Obviously turning over an entire new leaf are things that I can't just do on my own right off the bat.  I hope to get these things accomplished at some point in time.  I should be able to cross them off as they come.  One thing at a time.  Here I am still trying to be the person I want to see myself as - TO BEING THE BEST VERSION OF MYSELF!

Be on time
Wake up earlier to be more productive during the day
Do something - at least once - to move towards a goal I have
Eat healthy
Reevaluate how I am doing
Don't let negative energy get the best of me

In all honesty, if I can accomplish that last point, I would be perfect lol.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

I want to live

We all have thick skin we don't give ourselves enough credit for.  As the new year approaches, shed the last of your last armor and rejuvenate with a fresh one.  Strip away those tears, habits, mistakes, and toxins down the drain.

Walk into the new year with skin that is soft but tough, calm but crazy, ambitious but realistic, and kind but assertive.  There are no more room for excuses - the time is now. Not tomorrow, not when this task is complete, and not when "the time is right".  Time is no one's friend; it will move forward whether we decide to put our lives on pause or not.  I say forget resolutions and focus on one thing, live.

Live wild, live with love, live without limits, and live without the past holding us back.  Live and smell the dew in the mornings, feeling the sun rays burn your skin, the wind whisper lullabies into your ear, and the rain kiss every inch of the beautiful person you are.  Live for every moment, every second of everyday.  Live so hard you never forget what it is like to be a live.  I know I will.

I will not let the words of how other see me define who I am.  I will live strongly and live for myself.  I have nothing to prove to the world; I only have what I want to prove to myself - what my worth is for me, and only me.  Here is to a new year of living and truly being alive.